Fit Life Adventure

An Ordinary Woman's Journey of Surviving Obesity

About Me

current weight

For nearly my entire adolescence, I have been either overweight or obese. At the start of my third decade on this planet I decided to make some significant changes to better my body and my mind. What followed is my fit life adventure.

If you enjoy my posts, please be sure to “follow” my blog, either directly though this site or by email.

For additional correspondence, emails can be sent to

xxoo Amanda Sheehan


32 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Dear Amanda,
    You give such hope to someone to lose weight. You are amazing and you look wonderful. Such a beautiful accomplishment . It is wonderful that you share what you have done to accomplish your weight goal. I am going to start this way of eating starting Monday 10/17/16 in hopes I can hear from you in an email. Thanks for sharing.
    Sue Conrad

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I forgot to give you my name which is Beverly Gonzalez

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amanda: I so very much enjoyed you artilce in Women’s World. I just got the magazine about 45 minutes ago and have read the article twice. I have lost about 73 lbs. since 2012 following the basic Diabetic Diet. I am not Diabetic but my mom was. I find your eating plan very interesting. I am not exactly stuck in my weight loss, but it is getting challenging to stay on it and the scale creeps up every so often. I am 65 have A-Fib, high blood pressure and had a TIA in January. My doctor is quite pleased with me but I need some kind of change. I would love to have a clearer guide-line of what you eat. Please help. Thank you Caren M. Farquhar e-mail-

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! Love your story in the Women’s World article. Is there others meal plan you suggest? Love to have more variety.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there! Thanks for the comment! My latest blog post gives actual sample meals that I ate a year ago as well as today. You’ll find they’re quite similar. As well, I did a blog post in April that you can find in my archive section on the home page all about my dietary choices as well. The key to me choosing foods is just to ensure they are as little processed as possible. Other than that, I’ll eat just about anything! Feel free to send specific questions to my email at


  5. I read about you in Women’s World magazine …could totally relate. Proud of you and the changes you’ve made in your life. It’s really hard to stay so committed and achieve what you have. Just subscribed to your blog and looking forward to reading it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amanda,
    Your Blog is an inspiration. I read your story in Women’s World. Thank you for your honesty! I’m going to give your plan a go. Wish me the best!



  7. Oh my! Love reading your stories! I found you in Woman’s World Magazine(in case anyone wants to know its Oct 10, 2016) Loved your story and had to tell you that even though don’t know you I think you look beautiful and the same in the mag pics and the blog pics!! I don’t see any touch-ups on the face. Anyway just had to tell you that and had to see your blog after reading that!!! 😊😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Amanda you look awsom
    I’m looking forward to seeing your food plan

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Just read your article in Woman’s World. You look fantastic. The article and your blog has inspired me tyr this “plan” — (I was seriously thinking about joining weight watchers yet again before I picked up the magazine). Love your blog. I’m wondering if you ‘d be willing to share some daily food journals (for lack of a better term). The magazine had helpful ideas, but the meal planning it the toughest part for me-if I don’t want smoked salmon on my toast for example, what’s a good substitute? I hate counting calories, etc., so I don’t want to spend lots of time trying to figure out what is 1500 calories per day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I plan to have a blog post up soon with pictures of what I eat in a day and that should give lots of meal ideas. There was a post I did back in April about my food choices, so in the meantime why don’t you give that a read. Message me anytime!


    • Yes I too read the article and would love some help as to what to eat.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi there! I did a post all about my good choices. You’ll find it in my April archives of previous posts on the right hand side menu on my blog. I encourage you to read it. If you have more questions after that, please feel free to ask and also make sure you follow my blog because my next post will be all about that topic once again with sample menu’s along with pictures from typical meals that I eat daily


      • Wow! When I read your article that is me! I just said to my self what am I going to do weight watchers or Atkins? After reading your article I would like to try this. So tire doe all of it! I would also like to see your food journal. Thank you

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the message! Some food journal entries should be posted in the next couple days so stay tuned. Good luck on your journey. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary and nothing that anyone else couldn’t do… just have to stay the course. I know you can. Keep in touch


  10. Love the site

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Amanda, I have nominated you for a three day quote challange! Head on over to my blog to see 🙂


  12. This looks like a great blog. Well done, you have a great theme and your posts are really inspiring!

    Liked by 1 person

    • aww thank you so much! That is the most I can hope for. I hope that if I share my real life experiences that perhaps it can resonate with someone else. Maybe inspire change in their life? Try and keep the cycle going right 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. So exciting! Let me know if you ever need any help! I am so happy to pass along what I know 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. great blog Amanda

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So proud of you


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